I'm sorry, i've got no video. - Lena was ill and i forgot the melody, so i can't make a video singing this lalalalalallalalala. but it was really nice! maybe after the holidays.
by the way, i'm driving away, i'm flying away, i'm in portugal from the 10th october until the 21st ..
My week was really busy.
Monday i wrote my german exams, tuesday 6 lessons, 1 hour break, theather meeting (1 1/2 hours), 1 hour break with J & then sportsmeeting in the teachers library for ca 2hours, i didn't had time for football training :(
Wednesday, like every wednesday!, i had 9 lessons and after that went at katha's home to do our job, newspapers bla bla
thursday, - 6 lessons, latin, teeth doctor (?), home & than a soccer play, where we won 3:1, really great, great, great.
today i had my last day school before holidays, we had 6 lessons, i brought katha to the bus station, went to selina's home, city with her, and then 25 minutes fips, saying goodbye, and NOW i've got his t-shirt - of course, not the one, he was wearin!:D after daddy called me up we went for lunch to 'americana latina' (?), and it was really, really, REALLY GOOD!, oh it smells really YUMMI!! :D :) we drove home & now i'm sitting here.
here is this wonderful shirt.
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